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This symbol should give you peace of mind that we can respond to problems faster than any of our competitors and faster than the individual landlord.


Because we retain funds on behalf of the landlord, but that’s only half the story we also hold authorisation from the landlord to use our discretion to instruct repairs, replacements, refurbishments and in some extreme cases relocation. 

What this means?

It means we can react and instruct workmen in 95% of cases faster than an individual landlord managing a property themselves we can act faster than any competitor lettings agent because we don’t have to ring the client, get authorisation wait for them to find a workman.

Have a problem?

Call the office they take your details arrange access, this can be with you present or a contractor can collect the key from our office.

Peace of mind?

Of course as a tenant our contractors have worked for us in some cases over 20 years this means we know the standard and quality of work completed, we know that we get an accurate diagnosis of the issue we can patch the problem and work out the long term fix or undertake the long term fix immediately.  With minimal disruption.


This service is unique to us and part of our commitment to deliver better returns on your investment.  No more worrying and waiting for a dreaded phone call that the washing machine and oven have both broken at the same time in the middle of the month when your funds are committed elsewhere.  We retain a % of your income to build up a repair or sinking fund, this is still your money and it’s still accounted for in the proper manner.  You give us authorisation to as outlined above this is agreed specifically between us.


you’re still in control and its your property as an owner its always your decision we will provide you with any advice you want and help you make a decision. 

This service is based on trust and understanding, some Landlords just want to put their feet up right from the start and this is the ideal service for them.  Other Landlords that we manage properties for move to this service after some years once they have experienced our standard management service or want to undertake a refurbishment or development or they find they no longer have the time to directly handle the various legislative, regulatory and repair obligations that come with any property investment. 

For more information please take a look at our case studies or call us to discuss. 

Get in touch

Call us on 028 9068 3711 or send us a message...